ICGC 2024 Theme

God Declaration

The theme for ICGC worldwide this year is God;
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

ICGC God Banner 2024


Blessed are you, O Lord

King of the Universe

Who gives me life and breath

Today, I stand in your presence

To declare your praise

Holy, Holy, Holy

Lord God Almighty

Who was, is and is to come

Your name I AM

Is from generation, To generation

You are my God

Good and merciful

Awesome in wonders

With you Nothing is impossible

From your word I receive guidance

From your hand I receive abundance

Today, I boldly declare,

This is My God Year

Show me your glory, Heavenly Father

Let me know you

Open my eyes to see

Open my heart to understand

Open the heavens over my life

In Jesus' name Amen